Running Man - Lee Kwang Soo, Gary, Kim Jong Kook, Ha Ha, Song Ji Hyo 2

It looks like the popular Korean variety show Running Man will be concluding its run in February 2017. After a messy attempt to revitalize the show in the coming year, cast members Kim Jong Kook and Song Ji Hyo were let go with little communication from production until it had already happened.

The resulting fallout over the matter has led the team to opt to wrap up the show. After discussions between the cast and crew, all six cast members will stay on through the end in February.

I’m definitely saddened to see Running Man come to an end after so many great years. I wish it didn’t happen in such a messy way, but I am glad that the six current members will finish out the show together. Hopefully, that will at least end things on a somewhat more positive note.

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15 responses to “Korean Variety Show Running Man to End in February 2017”

  1. raistlin0903 Avatar

    I have never seen this show before, but have heard a lot of people talking about it. Is it a kind of gameshow?

    1. Kay Avatar

      More like a comedy variety show. There are several main cast members who are a mix of comedians, singers, and actors. Then other celebrities guest star each episode. Everyone is then given missions which involves a lot of games they complete at different locations throughout the city. It’s a very fun atmosphere because of the entertaining cast and watching the celebrities interact with them while doing the missions 🙂

      1. raistlin0903 Avatar

        Okay, this sounds really interesting…(inside I hear a small voice whispering….no not a new show again 😂😂😂)

        1. Kay Avatar

          It really is a lot of fun. If you give it a few episodes and start really getting to know the cast, that’s what makes the show. And you already like Lee Kwang Soo right? He’s hilarious in it. And the plus with a variety show is that you can watch at your own pace since the episodes are stand alone 🙂

          1. raistlin0903 Avatar

            Lee Kwang Soo is in it…….now I am doomed, I have to watch this now. (Voice whispers again: “you were doomed anyway” 😂😂 I am definitely going to check it out 😀

  2. AY Avatar

    I stopped watching this show is 2015 because it lost its fizzle, but I’m glad all 6 will end with the show. It will be a nice reunion if Gary and Soong Ki can make the last episode

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yeah, it definitely lost some steam in the last year or so. I love all of the cast though and still enjoyed it. It really would be great if everyone could come back for the final episode. It would be a fitting send off 🙂

  3. Mari Avatar

    This makes me so sad. Running Man is the show that introduced me to other Korean shows, dramas, and culture. As soon as I first watched it I fell completely in love with the concept, creativity, action, games, and ESPECIALLY the cast! I am a HUGE fan and started watching all the episodes from the beginning. I managed to watch 7 years worth of episodes in a year and a half. I felt like I was getting to know the cast, which is what I loved about the show. I love how you get to see them grow into a family. I knew that running man had lasted quite a long time for a tv show and I was starting to worry about how much longer it would last. I had just caught up to the recent episodes when Gary left, and I had a really bad feeling that Running Man wouldn’t be around much longer. I am so glad that I found Running Man. It has been the source of many many laughs. I am now an expert at keeping excited screaming silent (so as not to wake up everyone in the house at night). I have also been on the receiving end of many strange looks from people as I would get too caught up in an episode. I appreciate all the years of hard work and sacrifice the Running Man members have given to the show. I also am grateful to all the staff that have put their time and effort into creating the show we love. Running Man will continue to be at the top of my ‘favourite tv show’ list.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Same here. Running Man really gave me added insight into the Korean culture, and I too completely love the cast. They are the ones that bring everything to life and things so much fun.

      Good job at getting in all of those episodes! I started watching somewhere in the middle and starting moving forward. A lot of times I just skip around and randomly pick episodes to watch though, so I have seen a lot of the earlier ones. And I still have quite a few to watch. 7 years is a lot of episodes to catch up on, lol. I’m sad to see it go, but like you, it will remain as one of my all time favorite variety shows 🙂

  4. kwenzqoatl Avatar

    I stumbled across this show on its debut. Fallowed it for years but eventually dropped it. Will always have a fondness for the show. Especially for those first 10-20 episodes. Oh and I will always remember Calm and Peaceful Gary’s pictures.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Wow, how great to have seen it in the beginning! I didn’t come in until about halfway through, but I loved it. I’ve seen some of those earlier episodes too. Definitely a lot of good memories from this show 🙂

      1. kwenzqoatl Avatar

        The one that will tear me apart if it ever ends will be We Got Married. I know it hasn’t really had a focused cast like running man but that is one that I have been watching since the beginning. Stil do:)

        1. Kay Avatar

          I haven’t seen We Got Married other than a few clips here and there. I really want to check it out sometime though. It’s just so hard to fit everything in, lol

  5. welcometodramaworld Avatar

    I’m so sad to hear this fun variety show will be ending. Wishing all the best to the cast members in the future. This might be a new beginning and not all bad for many of them as it opens up the door to try other things. And I’m sure with their experience, fame and skill to entertain people they will not want for work. Running Man Cast, Hwaiting!!

    1. Kay Avatar

      Yes, it makes me sad too. But like you, I’m also hopeful it will bring some new opportunities to the cast members to do other things with their careers. They are a talented group, and I’m sure they will do well in whatever they do 🙂

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