Korean Drama Update for May 2024

I got in one drama for the month of May. I checked out the fantasy romantic comedy My Demon. Here’s how it went:

My Demon

My Demon fits well into what you would expect from the fantasy romantic comedy genre. We get a classic bickering-to-lovers type of romance that mixes in humor as well as dramatics. The fantasy elements add to the interest and complexity of the overall story.

My Demon was a decent watch for me. It had enough good elements that I wasn’t bored with it, but it had a lot of negatives. The characters were hard to warm up to, the pacing wasn’t the best, and the drama just felt messy.

It was disappointing that it felt like the drama had all of the pieces needed to make for a great series, but it just couldn’t quite fit them together. This drama can definitely work for you if you really enjoy fantasy rom-coms and just roll with what it dishes out without thinking too deeply about it. (My Demon Review)

So how was May for you?

Happy drama watching to everyone!

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4 responses to “Korean Drama Update for May 2024”

  1. Snow Flower Avatar
    Snow Flower

    Drama update May 2024

    2 dramas finished

    Lovely Runner – will probably become a classic, despite some narrative hiccups. The OTP is just stellar.

    Queen Of Tears – ignore the forced humor and unnecessary side characters, and you have the best melodrama of 2004. The year is correct.

    1. Kay Avatar

      Oooh, I’m really looking forward to both of these dramas! Haha, love the 2004 reference 😂

  2. Kate Avatar

    Finished 2 and Dropped 2 in May.

    Finished Midnight Photo Studio. It was good but would rather I had not got drawn into it. The early episodes were episodic and designed to tug on the heartstrings and make you cry which I did…a lot, and I hate that. Then the larger story took over which was fine but the end was a mess and I was just glad to be finished with it.

    Finished Lovely Runner and it was one of the best kdramas I’ve seen in a long time – reminded me of Twinkling Watermelon in how much it surprised me of how good it was. Perfect rom-com/time travel and perfect ending. I highly recommend!

    Dropped Frankly Speaking – found it boring and lacking in chemistry even though I like both actors in other things I’ve seen them in. Just wasn’t doing it for me in this one.

    Dropped Missing Crown Prince – I watched about 10 episodes and kept hoping they would focus on the young leads’ love story but they kept focusing on the older couple who had a tragic love story but they had done so many bad things that they seemed irredeemable and I just couldn’t stick with it anymore.

    1. Kay Avatar

      That’s kind of how I guessed Midnight Photo Studio would go which is why I skipped it. At least is was decent for you despite the tears.

      I am planning to try Frankly Speaking, Missing Crown Prince, and Lovely Runner. Lovely Runner is the one I’m most looking forward to and is on my short list 🙂

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