Ruler: Master of the Mask kept its lead in Nielsen drama ratings this week. It brought in very similar numbers to last week again bringing in over 13% for it’s even episode each night.
Ep. 13 – 11.7%
Ep. 14 – 13.6%
Ep. 15 – 12.0%
Ep. 16 – 13.6%
Suspicious Partner was able to move into second place. It continued its upward trajectory and was able to top 9% on both nights.
Ep. 13 – 7.5%
Ep. 14 – 9.3%
Ep. 15 – 8.4%
Ep. 16 – 9.3%
We saw the premiere of the romance melodrama sageuk Seven Day Queen starring Yeon Woo Jin and Park Min Young this week. It landed in last place for it’s opening week and even saw a decrease on night two.
Ep. 1 – 6.9%
Ep. 2 – 5.7%
With two dramas well into their runs, Seven Day Queen wasn’t able to pick up much ground. Ruler: Master of the Mask is solidly in the lead, but I am thrilled to see Suspicious Partner improving week to week, and it will be interesting to see if the trend continues.
Suspicious Partner airs Wednesday and Thursday on SBS.
Ruler: Master of the Mask airs Wednesday and Thursday on MBC.
Seven Day Queen airs Wednesday and Thursday on KBS.
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