Two new teaser trailers have been released for the the upcoming JTBC drama My Wife’s Having an Affair This Week starring Lee Seon Kyun (Miss Korea) and Song Ji Hyo (Ex-Girlfriend Club). They use a wordplay on the Korean word for “wind” which sounds like the phrase for “affair”. The first trailer shows all three of our couples getting blasted by a wind machine.
Lee Seon Kyun continues to battle the wind in the second trailer as he seeks advice from the internet at a café. To his dismay, song after song plays on the radio that use the word “wind”. It doesn’t take long before he completely loses it. Poor guy, hehe.
My Wife’s Having an Affair This Week is a comedy that tells the story of a man (Lee Seon Kyun) who suspects his wife (Song Ji Hyo) is having an affair and seeks help and advice on an online forum.
My Wife’s Having an Affair This Week is scheduled to premiere October 28 on JTBC.
Trailer 1:
Trailer 2:
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